Christian Practices during Lent

What Do We Do during Lent?

Lent is a time when participants can carry out a three-fold mission, with the key pillars being fasting, alms-giving, and prayer. Certainly, these are not new nor are they reserved only for Lent, as we are encouraged to practice them regularly throughout the year. However, a special and renewed focus on each of them during Lent can foster growth and appreciation within our collective faith and respective spiritual journeys.

Fasting – As Jesus fasted in the desert for forty days, we, too, are called to forgo something for the same period when observing Lent. It is during this time we can deepen our awareness of his sacrifice on the Cross, as well as Jesus’ daily forgiveness of our sins and unconditional love for us. It should be noted, however, this personal sacrifice should be difficult but healthy, while respecting responsibilities.

Alms-giving – Stressing the importance of recognizing those in need while demonstrating the model of selflessness that Jesus embodied on earth, Lent offers us an opportunity to further concentrate on displaying acts of charity within our communities.  Whether it be through the giving of time, money, clothing or food, volunteer service provides us a perfect occasion to improve society by living out Jesus’ teaching of helping him through helping his people.

Such offerings remind us of the valuable need to remain disciplined and prudent regarding our own desires in life, as well as the standard set in order to be welcomed into God’s Kingdom.

Prayer – is another avenue for self-growth during Lent that can lead to closer relationship with God is prayer.  While talking with God is a practice all Christians should conduct regularly no matter what point in the year, Lent presents us with an especially meaningful time to connect with our Lord and nurture our bond.  We can strengthen our relationship with God through deeper and more frequent prayer activity, such as Scripture readings before beginning our daily morning routine, or praying at mealtimes, commuting to work or school, or during nature walks and other such exercises.

Lent can also provide us a chance to pray in ways beyond simply asking things from God for ourselves. Praising Him for His glory and wonder, acknowledging and thanking Him for our many blessings and calling on God to intercede and aid in the lives of others are all examples of how we can appreciate God’s presence and works.

​​​​That in all things, may God be glorified.

God Bless,


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